Tuesday, July 26, 2016

ILYA Opti Champs Regatta Logistics

Opti Team,

We will be loading up boats for the ILYA Opti Champs on Friday, 7/29.

Hector and Catalina will meet the team at the Clear Lake Yacht Club venue on Sunday, 7/31 at 2:30pm to unload the trailer and rig. Please let them know if you will not be there for the practice.

The regatta organizers have scheduled a practice race on Sunday, so we will plan to be on the water by 4:30pm and do the official practice race at 5:00pm.

Registration & Safety Check is 3pm-7pm on Sunday 7/31 – you MUST take care of this on Sunday before or after the practice race.

Rigged and ready on Monday 8/1 by 8:30
Skippers meeting at 9:00am

Green Fleet:
Rigged and ready on Monday 8/1 by 8:45am
Skippers meeting at 9:30am

Igor Fedulov has offered to tow our 2nd boat--Thank you!!

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Julia and Hector

Thursday, July 21, 2016

USODA New England Regatta Schedule

CYC Opti Team,

The New England practice and regatta schedule is outlined below. If you are attending any of the practice days on the 6th 7th and 8th, then please indicate on the Blog sign-up in the "practice days" column: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tpLM5cW_chD2IaEaoRd2PzaDzXsuRmhBOw-tbFP7Mfs/edit#gid=0

2016 USODA New England Championship Schedule:

Thursday, August 4th 
 2pm load boats on trailer

Saturday, August 6th (Newport, RI) *Practice
11am unload boats 
(lunch on land)
1:30-4pm Practice

Sunday, August 7th *Practice
10am Rigged & Ready 
(Pack lunch for on the water)
10am-3:30 Practice

Monday August 8th *Practice
9:30am-12pm  Practice
(lunch on land)
12-6pm Competitor check-in and Coach/Spectator flag check-in

Tuesday August 9th *Regatta
8am Rigged & Ready
8:30am Competitors Meeting (Mandatory)
8:45am Coaches and Parents Meeting (Mandatory)
10:30am Initial Warning Signal

Wednesday August 10th *Regatta
8am Rigged & Ready
8:30am Competitors Meeting (Mandatory)
8:45am Coaches and Parents Meeting (Mandatory)
10:30am Initial Warning Signal
After Racing Cookout

Thursday August 11th *Regatta
8am Rigged & Ready
8:30am Competitors Meeting (Mandatory)
8:45am Coaches and Parents Meeting (Mandatory)
10:30am Initial Warning Signal
2:30pm No initial Warning Signal after this time
After Racing load boats, Awards

Monday, July 18, 2016

Regatta Sign Ups

Hi Opti Parents,
Looking ahead to the next couple of weeks, we wanted to clarify some logistics surrounding the up coming regattas. 

You must be singed up on the blog by tomorrow (7/19/16) at midnight for each of these regattas if you plan on going. Separate logistical emails will be sent for each regatta based on who is signed up on the blog. 

Sunday, July 31st- Tuesday, August 2nd 

Wednesday, August 3rd- Thursday, August 4th

New England Champs
Trailer leaving Friday, August 5th, practice August 6-8, regatta 9-11th
There are actually only 8 spots on the opti trailer for this regatta. As Julia mentioned in a previous email, the chartering fee will be $150 for the whole event if we do not have room on the trailer for your boat. 

These three regattas are all back to back which means we will all need to work together to make sure logistics run smoothly! Here is the link to the Opti Blog: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B5Q67ZteKglWM0g5N0FZRDhYWm8&usp=sharing

Since many of us will be in Newport during the end of the summer banquet, we thought it would be fun to have our own separate dinner with opti families and coaches on Wednesday, July 27th.  If you have any ideas or are willing to set this up please let us know. 

Opti Coaches

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Kaszube Cup Debrief- Hector Guzman

R,W&B Kaszube Cup Debrief 
After an intense week of practice for the Regatta with our main focus on starts and downwind technique, the team arrived on Monday to South Shore Yacht Club in Milwaukee. After having unloaded and rigged the boats, the team went on the water to get a feel for the conditions. We did a few speed-tests to make sure our boats were on point and ran a few course tests. We concluded our practice day with a few races and a fun tow back to the Yacht Club were a pasta dinner awaited for us. 
Being the only team on the water one day before the Regatta, surely prepared us well for the first day of racing. The day started with a shifty 10-13 knt SW breeze, flat water, clear skies and lots of sun. The Race Committee’s decision to start Green and R,W&B fleets together in a short starting line became a challenge for many of the other sailors since not everyone could fit in the line. Our sailors were happy to have spent the last few days working on starting techniques, which were reflected on their scores. Multiple race wins and lots of top 3 finishes for CYC created big smiles on the kids after the conclusion of each race. Having good starts and keeping the boat flat were our golden rules in order to keep low/consistent average scores throughout the first day of racing.  
Going into the final day of racing with six races on the bucket and an activated drop on the results, no race could be started after 12:00pm. With similar conditions to those of the first day, we sailed the last race of the event before a thunderstorm forced the RC to call it the day. With a “keep it simple” mentality and without thinking about the scores, the team finished strong. CYC’s Jack Baldwin came home with the win followed by Reed Rasmussen in second place and Peter Barnard in fourth. With many top three finishes and a race wins, Parker Rasmussen finished fifth and Chris Pendregast in seventh place
After a fantastic event the team is psyched for another great week of practice at CYC.