Thursday, July 27, 2017

Green Fleet Sailors Compete at North Shore Cup

North Shore Cup Write Up
 By Coach Abigail McFadyen

Green fleet sailors having fun waiting for the wind!

Just a few miles up the shores of Lake Michigan, 9 CYC green fleet sailors went to compete in Lake Forest for the North Shore Cup on July 21. An AP flag (postponement) was raised at the start of the day and it was not until 11:30 that the first race got off. The sailors conquered the windward-leeward course that they so often sail around at practice. Unfortunately, only one full race was run due to declining wind. But as the racing rules of sailing state, even just one race constitutes a regatta. Notable finishes include: Grace Renz in 2nd, Cal Kinnear in 4th, Spencer Von Peterffy in 6th, and Tyler Crabb in 8th. Congrats to all 9 sailors for a job well done!

Cal Kinnear rounds the windward mark ahead of the fleet.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

2017 Fall Opti Program


The summer will be over before we know it and so it’s time to start thinking about the fall! This email has important information you need to know to start planning for the season.  This fall we are offering three Opti fleets: Lime, Green and RWB. Fleet descriptions are below, please let me know if you are unsure as to which fleet to sign your sailor up for. Additionally, please mark your calendars for our preseason parents meeting on Wednesday, August 30th at 6pm.

2017 Fall Lime Fleet
Lime Fleet is designated for beginner sailors fresh out of our summer learn to sail programs. The emphasis is on basic seamanship, rigging, steering, sail control, balance, boat handling, safety, learning, and fun! Through classroom and on-the-water activities, students are introduced to water safety, boat controls, basic sailing maneuvers, basic seamanship, wind direction, sailing a course, navigation and marine ecology.  Lime Fleet sailors are between 7 and 10 years old. Ultimately the goal for students of Lime Fleet is to build self-reliance and confidence through sailing an Optimist without another student, or Instructor in the boat. Sailing alone demonstrates the proficiency we intend for every sailor. Prerequisite: Sailors have completed summer sailing Levels 2, 3 or recommended by their coach. Sailors should have an interest in sailing and are able to sail their own boat.

Sundays, 12-4pm

Sept 10,17,24
Oct 1,8,15,22,29
Nov 5,12,19 (practice will be weather dependent)

2017 Fall Green Fleet
Green Fleet is a beginner and intermediate level Optimist racing program, designed to build on the basic sailing and racing skills. Green Fleet sailors are typically between 8-12 years old. Green fleet sailors are strongly encouraged to purchase their own Optimist or they can charter a Club Opti in the fall. The curriculum focuses on improving sailors' boat handling, racing skills and rules knowledge.  Green Fleet sailors learn more about small boat racing, including tactics and race courses. Sportsmanship, care of and responsibility for equipment is emphasized in all activities. The Green Fleet sailors are strongly encouraged to travel to both local and national regattas. Regattas help create personal connections and relationships with other young sailors from different Clubs. Prerequisites: Sailors have sailed in at least one season of Lime fleet, sailed in a regatta or have shown advancement in boat-handling, seamanship, and general knowledge.

Saturdays and Sundays, 12-4pm
(unless there is a *scheduled regatta)

Sept 9-10
Sept 16-17 *USODA Midwest Championship
Sept 23-24
Sept 30-Oct1
Oct 7-8 *Junior Olympic Sailing Festival Michigan Championship
Oct 14-15
Oct 21-22
Oct 28-29 *Halloween Spectacular
Nov 4-5
Nov 11-12
Nov 18-19 (practice will be weather dependent)

Dec 26-30 *Orange Bowl Regatta (Important note: Orange Bowl registration opens on Sept 11 at 8am and fills up fast!)
Feb 2-4 * Valentine’s Day Regatta
March 2-4 *Sunshine State Championship
March 9-11 *Gulf Coast Championship

2017 Fall RWB Fleet
The Red, White and Blue (RWB) Fleet is for intermediate to advanced Opti sailors who are ready to compete at the highest level and are under 15 years of age. The Opti RWB Team competes in many local events, but also prepares sailors for national and international Optimist events. RWB focuses on advanced boat-handling, strategy, conditioning and tactics.  The sailors become exposed to a strong team atmosphere, learning both fleet racing and team racing skills. Prerequisites: Sailors have advanced past the Green fleet curriculum and own their own Optimist.

Wednesdays 4-7pm
Saturdays and Sundays, 9am-4pm
(unless there is a *scheduled regatta)

Sept 6
Sept 9-10
Sept 13
Sept 16-17 *USODA Midwest Championship
Sept 20
Sept 23-24
Sept 27
Sept 30-Oct1
Oct 4
Oct 6-9 *USODA SE Championship
Oct 11
Oct 14-15
Oct 18
Oct 21-22
Oct 25
Oct 28-29 *Halloween Spectacular
Nov 1
Nov 4-5
Nov 8
Nov 11-12
Nov 15
Nov 18-19 (practice will be weather dependent)
Nov 24-26 *USODA Midwinter Championship

Dec 26-30 *Orange Bowl Regatta (Important note: Orange Bowl registration opens on Sept 11 at 8am and fills up fast!)
Jan 12-15 *USODA Team Race Midwinter Championship
Jan TBD *Mexico Heavy Wind Clinic w/ Coach Hector
Feb 2-4 * Valentine’s Day Regatta
March 2-4 *Sunshine State Championship
March 9-11 *Gulf Coast Championship


Parent Meeting
We will have a Opti parents meeting on August 30th at 6pm to go over our season calendar and other information you need to know for the fall.

Opti Blog
Please subscribe to the CYC Opti Blog! The Blog is used for team communication. If you are not already subscribed, enter your email address in the “Follow by E-Mail” box (top right) to get posts e-mailed to you. On the Blog you can find our Google Calendar, the regatta schedules and regatta signup sheets. I will be showing how to use the blog at our parents meeting.

Green and RWB sailors are expected to attend as many of our supported regattas as possible. Sailing in regattas is an important part of the learning process, engenders team unity, and is one of the most fun aspects of junior sailing. To register for regattas, you need to sign up on the Blog in addition to registering for the event. Mark your calendars: Orange Bowl registration opens at 8am on September 11th and fills up in the first 30 minutes after opening.

Series Racing
This fall we are introducing series racing! There will be 3 series races held during practices in the fall. Parents are encouraged to watch on the sea wall or help out with Race Committee if you have a powerboat.  Series racing for  RWB and Green fleet will be scored separately. The overall results from the 3 race days will be determined and trophies will be awarded to the top three boats in each fleet at the fall banquet on November 29th. Fall Series races are scheduled for October 1st, October 15th, and November 5th.


If your child wants to continue with Green Fleet, it is highly recommended that you purchase an Opti. Places you can find Optis for sale:  (and sign up your child as a member), Sturgis Boat Works and McLaughlin has used charter boats. Look online and please send us information on the boat before buying.

Lime fleet and green fleet sailors who do not own an Opti can charter one from the Yacht Club. Sailors that wish to charter will be assigned their own hull, sail/spars, and blade. On the first day of practice, these assignments are given along with a charter agreement form that the sailor and parent must sign. The charter fee is $100 for the fall season. Sailors must report any damage or repairs needed to their coach immediately and these will be fixed or replaced.

Sailors will need additional warmer sailing gear for the fall.

  • warm base layers made for sailing (hydrophobic material)
  • Long sleeve tech shirts and clothes that can get wet
  • Closed toed shoes or dinghy boots
  • Fleece hat
  • Spray top
  • Spray pants
  • Gloves
  • Dry suit (recommended for the fall, required for the spring)
  • Sun protection (hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, rash guard)
  • Coast Guard Type III approved Life Jacket.
  • Refillable water bottle
  • Towel and a change of clothes
  • Gear bag

Be sure to put your child’s name on everything! Please let me know if you have any questions. I’m looking forward to a fantastic fall season!

Julia Melton